Identifying Three Helpful Qualities You Can Bring to Every Situation with Christopher Ancona (Episode #112)
Have you ever talked yourself out of doing something important? If so, then our guest today may make that impossible for you to do, next time. Christopher Ancona is an expert in helping others see the limitations they are putting on themselves. And when I discovered his work, I absolutely had to share it here on the Conspiracy of Goodness Podcast. His work made me think that each of us has some vast pool of potential just waiting to break open, if only we could shift our way of thinking in a few key areas.
Episode Highlights
About Our Guest:
Christopher is an Engineer, Educator, Author, Tech Entrepreneur. He’s managed industrial projects around the world and taught at the University of Iowa, London Business School.
His book, called “The Alignment Quotient” can greatly improve our way of thinking about the concept of “finding purpose and meaning in our lives”. Something that many, many people are searching for these days.
College graduates want to start right out in work that matters and mid-career millennials are questioning their current paths and wanting a better fit. Folks in a mid-life crisis and retirees do not just want their meaningful lives to fade on the vine.
We’re all unwilling to just toil away for “the man” anymore.
But this quest to discover what makes us come alive, and use it in our working lives can be mind-boggling.
AND… it’s a lot less so, with the fresh ideas that Christopher is bringing to the table.
Leveraging scientific studies across multiple disciplines from psychology to neuroscience to quantum physics, Christopher has discovered some overlooked concepts that can take a lot of the trial and error out of a journey to design and build lives that we love.
One of the many insights Christopher leaves us with – that I could not “unsee” after talking to him – is that following our emotions is like chasing a feather in a tornado.
He helps us see that our emotions are fickle… but people who should know better are often telling us to follow them, to look for a more perfect life.
Instead, he suggests a few methods we can use to see through our momentary emotions, to find the truths that can get us closer to being happy every day, despite our circumstances.
Resources Mentioned:
- BOOK: Born to Run by Christopher Mcdougall
- BOOK: The Alignment Quotient
- BOOK: The Top Five Regrets of the Dying by Bronnie Ware
- BOOK: Happiness by Ricard Matthieu
- BOOK: The Monk and the Philosopher by Jean-François Revel, Matthieu Ricard
- BOOK: Deep Survival by Laurence Gonzales
- BOOK: Man’s Search for Meaning by Viktor Frankl
- The Alignment Quotient
- The Alignment Quotient YT Channel
Show Notes
- Emotions are fickle, feathers tossed by a tornado
- Declaring who we are with the idea of “we are human being”
- We are human beings and not human doings
- There’s a lot of things that could happen with all the things that we have
- We can work on changing our actions if we have a solid base
- Ever since we were born we make declarations
- Declaration of being
- A lot of times people can get lost
- S-P-I-C-Y
- Matthew Lieberman
- BOOK: Born to Run by Christopher Mcdougall
- What do you put in your mind?
- The next five seconds
- The Patrick’s Rule
- Be with what so
- BOOK: The Alignment Quotient
- BOOK: The Top Five Regrets of the Dying by Bronnie Ware
- Volunteer at Trails Edge
- They are who they are despite their situation and circumstances
- Happiness: Given or Created
- BOOK: Happiness by Ricard Matthieu
- BOOK: The Monk and the Philosopher by Jean-François Revel, Matthieu Ricard
- Happiness is a state of being
- BOOK: Deep Survival by Laurence Gonzales
- BOOK: Man’s Search for Meaning by Viktor Frankl
- “Should” concept
- The Alignment Quotient
- The Alignment Quotient YT Channel