Personal Growth
Improving ourselves improves the world around us. Looking for inspiration? From curated TED Talks to stories of thought leaders providing actionable advice, there’s no better place to start your personal growth journey than right here.
5 min read
Why is the News so Negative?
You hear the complaint all the time, "Why is the news so negative?". The answer may have more to do with us than the actual state of the world.
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5 min read
What’s Wrong with Being Angry?
Anger seems to be running rampant in society, but what's wrong with being angry? Here's a different way of looking at anger that may help us heal.
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5 min read
Beyond Butterflies: Giving Kids Space to Experience Emotions
Letting kids experience their emotions can foster true resilience, but striking the perfect balance between support and independence can be hard. Here's some inspiration on where to start.
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5 min read
Why Being Bored is Wonderful!
Do we need to be bored more often? In a world that is constantly full of mental chatter, boredom can help us practice finding respite.
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5 min read
Understanding Others: The Hidden Stories Behind Our Strongest Beliefs
Understanding the origins of the beliefs of others, and of our own beliefs, can lead to greater empathy.
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5 min read
Get Rid of the Imposter Syndrome For Good!
How do you fight imposter syndrome (and keep it away for good)? Content partner, Dr. Srikumar Rao, has a new take on this age-old problem.
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5 min read
Navigating Turbulence: Four Approaches to Crisis Management
Have a tough decision to make? Running into another bump in the road of life? Here's how one of the world's top CEOs handles crisis and how we can use these insights in our own lives.
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5 min read
People’s Actions Leaving You Baffled? Here’s How to Cultivate Understanding
Encountering behavior that seems inexplicable can be immensely frustrating. Whether it's a family member, friend, or colleague making decisions that appear counterintuitive, our first instinct might be to react with confusion or annoyance. However, amidst this confusion, there lies an opportunity to cultivate understanding.
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2 min read
How to Build Great Relationships!
How well do you know your parents and how are your relationships with them? There will come a time when your parents become your children. Trust me—it will happen. And then they will be gone, and you realize that you are alone, and you never really knew them. So how do you make sure that you form closer bonds with them before they exit the stage?
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2 min read
A Lesson in Conflict Resolution: How to Avoid Reaching a Boiling Point
Ever had a clash with the folks next door? When we avoid addressing issues, the feelings linger, frustrations accumulate, and there may be an eruption at an unexpected time. Where in your life might there be lines that need drawing, or conversations that must be initiated?
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2 min read
Lessons From a Snow Globe and Other Insights
Have you ever shaken a snow globe? Picture the picturesque scene it holds inside, and see in your mind how it grows hazy as if snow is falling. Could the snow falling be a great representation for our mental chatter, quickly spinning us out of control until we can't see our hand in front of our face? Here's a story of how we can eliminate that snow in our brain and bring tranquility back into our lives.
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2 min read
Small Steps Build Momentum. Just Start!
Often, we can accomplish more by just committing to starting, rather than focusing on the bigger goal. Once we are over the hump, it’s often easier than we expect to just keep going. The law of inertia cuts both ways—people at rest tend to stay at rest, but people who are in motion tend to stay in motion too. Here are some tips on how you can just start!
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