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Why is the News so Negative?

Why is the News so Negative?

You hear the complaint all the time, “Why is the news so negative?”. The answer may have more to do with us than the actual state of the world.
Image: Aleksandar Marković conducting

What Are Conductors Even Doing?

Most of us have pretended to be an orchestra conductor at some point in our lives. The interesting thing is, we actually understand, on some level, what we’re doing, even if we know nothing about music! This is a fascinating and fun window into a world we never knew we shared.
Image: angry looking bird

What’s Wrong with Being Angry?

Anger seems to be running rampant in society, but what’s wrong with being angry? Here’s a different way of looking at anger that may help us heal.
Imge: Hot Mess Express Hand holding a sponge with heart shapes suds

All Aboard! Hot Mess Express Cleans Homes for A Fresh Start

Hot Mess Express isn’t just cleaning homes for free, they’re sweeping away the stigmas tied to asking for help when you really need it.
Meet the Hindu Bagpipers Bringing Cultures Together

Meet the Hindu Bagpipers Bringing Cultures Together

It’s easy to look back and see that some of the best innovators in history brought together two things that no one had ever thought to combine. For the best kind of ingenious fun with that concept, take a look at The Shree Muktajeevan Swamibapa Pipe Band: a worldwide organization of Hindu bagpipers who blend Indian and Scottish music in a brilliant cultural mashup!
Image: A man standing in a colorful basketball court holding a basketball.

Failing Does Not Make You a Failure

Michael Jordan played 15 years, won six championships. Would you say the other nine years were a failure? Some days you’re able to be successful, some days you’re not. Some days it’s your turn, some days it’s not your turn. Here’s a lesson from the Milwaukee Bucks on the meaningful difference between failing and failure….

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Image: Aleksandar Marković conducting

What Are Conductors Even Doing?

Most of us have pretended to be an orchestra conductor at some point in our lives. The interesting thing is, we actually understand, on some level, what we’re doing, even if we know nothing about music! This is a fascinating and fun window into a world we never knew we shared.

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