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Good news helps you…

Alleviate Burnout

Knowing more about the goodness in the world has the power to lift us up and transform the context of our day-to-day lives. Our content offers an expanded and more balanced worldview that helps you be present in the moment and focus on the things that really matter.

Have a More Positive Worldview

42% of Americans avoid the news because it “grinds them down.” A subscription to the Goodness Exchange gives you instant access to meaningful, inspiring content that puts a spring in your step again.

Feel More Pride In Place

Start seeing more of the goodness that’s all around you. Find what you’re uniquely built to contribute to the wave of goodness and progress that is happening in this world.

Build More Positive Relationships

How often do the conversations in your life turn into negative talk about the world? Have something positive to talk about with your colleagues, friends, and family.

Energize with Optimism

From creative problem-solving to innovative collaboration, goodness can transform your future. We explored a study examining news content consumption. The study found that those who read good news were 18% more optimistic than those not exposed to good news.

Recharge and Thrive

When you read good news, you can be 32.4% less anxious, leading to improved mental health. We offer advice from experienced professionals and successful organizations to keep you motivated.

Promote Coexistence

We don’t touch politics or have an agenda. We believe our differences make us stronger. Our content helps people start conversations from positive places, about the things we do agree on.

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Positive news for curious people.

There is a wave of goodness and progress well underway, all around the world.