
Knowledge and appreciation of what lies far beyond our doorsteps can lift us up and reveal the best in humanity. Travel the globe with us and explore the beautiful, breath-taking, and sometimes quirky ways our world can bring us together.

54 min watch
Image: Connor Ryan

Applying an Indigenous Mindset: A Trip Through the Daily News with Connor Ryan PART 2 (Episode #167)

There is an amazing brand of young “influencers” who are diving, whole-heartedly, into their unique opportunity to make the world a better place, and today we are fortunate to have one of them as our guest. Connor Ryan, who was named one of the “20 Most Influential People in the Outdoor Industry” by Outside Magazine, is a proud Lakota tribe member and passionate professional skier, and he is bringing his understanding of Native American perspectives to the problems we need to be solving in our world right now.
Read MoreApplying an Indigenous Mindset: A Trip Through the Daily News with Connor Ryan PART 2 (Episode #167)
45 min watch
Image: Meena Palaniappan

If Disaster Strikes, This Knowledge-Sharing App is Here to Help with Meena Palaniappan (Episode #161)

Here’s something that rarely happens on the internet: a celebration of how technology can be used to amplify social connection, instead of amplifying social division. Yes, THIS interview is a celebration of a leap in human potential. Meena Palaniappan is the founder of a technology/communication platform—Atma Connect—that has reached 12 million people and is well-designed so that it is likely to change the lives of hundreds of millions of people in the near future.
Read MoreIf Disaster Strikes, This Knowledge-Sharing App is Here to Help with Meena Palaniappan (Episode #161)
5 min read
Image: A woman wearing a snorkel treading in the water at sunset, much like the VR do when spotting sharks for surfers in Réunion.

Shark Spotters: The Safety Team Working the World’s Best Waves

Deep in the Indian Ocean sits the island of Réunion, a French department that finds itself along the “shark highway” and is notorious for its encounters, yet famous for its waves straight out of a surfer’s dream. So, how can surfers and sharks peacefully coexist? As always, there’s a solution to the problem. Introducing: Réunion Island’s shark spotters!
Read MoreShark Spotters: The Safety Team Working the World’s Best Waves
64 min listen
Image: Nipun Mehta

500,000 Volunteers Show Us How We Are All “Rich,” in Some Way with Nipun Mehta (Episode #138)

Turns out, we can have many kinds of wealth besides money: creativity, time, community, compassion, friendships, attention, and patience, to name a few. We can each give those things to others liberally, and in the process, live extraordinarily happy lives. Today’s guest, Nipun Mehta, will help you see that in a world where “capital” like time, ideas, and kindness are priceless, what you have to contribute makes you very wealthy.
Read More500,000 Volunteers Show Us How We Are All “Rich,” in Some Way with Nipun Mehta (Episode #138)
45 min listen

The Ultimate Triangle Pose: Connecting Yoga, Travel, and Girls’ Education with Jordan Ashley (Episode #121)

If you are wondering about your “purpose,” and you like to travel, then today’s guest will open a whole new landscape of possibilities for you. Jordan Ashley had two passions (yoga and travel) but over time, she began to feel like both were too self-involved. Then, the magic happened (travel with purpose) and she decided to connect her passions to her commitment to helping girls around the world who were being denied access to education. We can all learn from Jordan’s story and perhaps discover what we are uniquely built to contribute.
Read MoreThe Ultimate Triangle Pose: Connecting Yoga, Travel, and Girls’ Education with Jordan Ashley (Episode #121)
53 min listen

The Father-Daughter Business Fixing the Broken Chocolate Industry with Shawn and Lawren Askinosie (Episode #109)

If you or someone you know has aspirations to find more meaning and purpose in life, then today’s episode will serve as both inspiration and a bit of a roadmap. Our guests, Shawn Askinosie and his daughter Lawren, have each found their niche. In their working lives, their family business is reinventing one of the world's most important, and yet unsustainable, luxury items. And all the while they are enjoying wonderful personal lives of deep connection, travel, family and adventure.
Read MoreThe Father-Daughter Business Fixing the Broken Chocolate Industry with Shawn and Lawren Askinosie (Episode #109)
89 min listen
Image: Gen-la Lobsang Phuntsok

After Adopting 123 Kids, Former Buddhist Monk Transforms Education with Gen-la Lobsang Phuntsok (Episode #104)

There is nothing quite as enlightening as listening to the insights of someone who has been to the edge and back. Today’s guest - Lobsang Phuntsok - had been to many edges of human existence. He was abandoned at birth, left under dry leaves by his 13 year old mother, but rescued to grow up as a Buddhist Monk. After an amazing journey of insight, he is now “Dad” to 123 children in an amazing family that is also a school and community that could fundamentally change the goals of education worldwide.
Read MoreAfter Adopting 123 Kids, Former Buddhist Monk Transforms Education with Gen-la Lobsang Phuntsok (Episode #104)
58 min listen
Image: Blaine Merker

Streets are for People, Not Cars? Bringing Joy & Humanity to Your Neighborhood with Blaine Merker (Episode #103)

If you wish your neighborhood brought more opportunities for delight and connection close to home, you will love our conversation with guest, Blaine Merker. His work with one of the most important Urban Design companies in the world is aiming at unique, inspiring “street cultures” in the future for us all. Blaine has some amazing stories of how our streets are being transformed from places for our cars, to places for people! If ever the future felt bright, this episode will fill you with a sense of possibility.
Read MoreStreets are for People, Not Cars? Bringing Joy & Humanity to Your Neighborhood with Blaine Merker (Episode #103)
62 min listen
Image: Doug Barnard

From Unemployment to World Traveler: Turn Setbacks into Opportunities with Doug Barnard (Episode #101)

Ever dream of traveling the world? Is it possible to visit places less traveled with almost nothing more than a radiant smile? It is! Our guest today—YouTuber Doug Barnard—has attracted a global following of almost 500,000, at age 26. People in places like Mongolia, Saudi Arabia, and Alexandria, Egypt are recognizing him, and often embracing him on the street. Best of all, his popularity is not due to outrageous behavior, but rather his sense of celebration of every person he meets. His energy is contagious.
Read MoreFrom Unemployment to World Traveler: Turn Setbacks into Opportunities with Doug Barnard (Episode #101)
Image: A child wearing arm floaties and splashing in the water on the beach, under the beating sun protected by the ozone layer.

We’ve Halted a Major Climate Crisis Before. Here’s How We Can Do It Again

What if more people knew the success stories when it comes to solving the world’s big problems? In 1987, all 198 UN Member States adopted a protocol that’s still in effect today, and is estimated to repair the planet’s damaged ozone layer by 2065. Here’s the proof you’ve been looking for that the world came together to halt a major climate crisis before, and it is possible for us to do it again.
Read MoreWe’ve Halted a Major Climate Crisis Before. Here’s How We Can Do It Again

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