Science & Technology
The future is in good hands with these innovators, and these stories of inventions, technology, and scientific ingenuity are changing not only the way we see the world, but also the world itself.
5 min read
Taking Hints From Frozen Turtles: Deep Rest Is the Key to Living
Whether this year has you leaping out of your shell or hiding inside of it, we can all learn from the painted turtle, whose talent for timing can teach us a thing or two about listening to our bodies’ basic needs.
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45 min watch
How to Vibe with Artificial Intelligence with Arthur Zards (Episode #200)
How to Vibe with Artificial Intelligence with Arthur Zards (Episode #200) Tech expert Arthur Zards is back for the promised follow-up to last week’s conversation, walking us through dozens of ways that we can use AI as a collaborator, expanding…
60 min watch
Skeptical of AI? Start Here! with Arthur Zards (Episode #199)
Let’s turn our backs on the fear and worst-case-scenarios of artificial intelligence for a minute, and allow ourselves to get curious about the positive potential! Tech expert Arthur Zards is here to teach us just how (and why) we need to learn to ‘vibe’ with AI in our everyday lives!
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50 min watch
Putting Telemarketers on Hold Using AI with Roger Anderson (Episode #188)
In a world where unsolicited phone calls have become a nuisance for many, Roger Anderson stands out as a pioneer in fighting back against telemarketing. He has devised a clever and entertaining way to respond to these unwanted calls: The Jolly Roger Phone Company.
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8 min read
Ancient Remedy to Modern Marvel: The Evolution of Aspirin Through History
Journey through time and across continents as we uncover the remarkable story of aspirin's evolution from willow tree to medicine cabinet staple. The humble aspirin is a testament to humanity's quest for medicinal solutions, bridging the gap between ancient remedies and modern pharmaceutical marvels.
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25 min read
Are You Happily Using Math Every Day Without Realizing It?
By studying mathematics and science, humans have the ability to answer questions that would have otherwise been deemed "unanswerable". So, let's discover how math sneaks its way into our lives inside of our lives every day.
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45 min watch
If Disaster Strikes, This Knowledge-Sharing App is Here to Help with Meena Palaniappan (Episode #161)
Here’s something that rarely happens on the internet: a celebration of how technology can be used to amplify social connection, instead of amplifying social division. Yes, THIS interview is a celebration of a leap in human potential. Meena Palaniappan is the founder of a technology/communication platform—Atma Connect—that has reached 12 million people and is well-designed so that it is likely to change the lives of hundreds of millions of people in the near future.
Read MoreIf Disaster Strikes, This Knowledge-Sharing App is Here to Help with Meena Palaniappan (Episode #161)
6 min read
The Beautiful World of Bacteria in NYC’s Subway System
Before you cringe, bacteria aren't all "scary" or "bad". In fact, bacteria are not only beautiful, they are essential to keeping us healthy and alive! So here are some of the artists and scientists who are celebrating the wonders of the microbial world.
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7 min read
These Tiny Wooden Robots are a Future Forest Falling From the Sky!
Get ready to discover your new favorite (well, maybe second favorite) corkscrew! The best scientific breakthroughs are often inspired by nature, and today we’re exploring a game-changing innovation that was inspired by nature, for nature. Prepare to be wowed as we propel ourselves deep into the origins of a new self-seeding robot that is tackling deforestation from the sky above!
Read MoreThese Tiny Wooden Robots are a Future Forest Falling From the Sky!
12 min read
The Future of Wildfire Defense: How Drones are Protecting Forests and Saving Lives
After a summer dominated by news of wildfires, a beacon of hope has started to emerge. Soaring above the smoke and flames, these heroes aren’t who you might expect. No, these new champions against wildfire aren’t people... they’re drones. Here's a glimpse of a world where technology and nature can unite to confront the growing threat of wildfires head-on.
Read MoreThe Future of Wildfire Defense: How Drones are Protecting Forests and Saving Lives
14 min read
The Toilet is Saving Our Lives!
Did you know that this innovation stops deadly diseases from finding you with every flush? Billions of people still don't have access to one. So we'd like to take a moment to celebrate the humble toilet and see how some truly amazing thought leaders are bringing them to everyone around the globe!
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5 min read
Avocados, Eggs, and 3D-Printed Leftovers: Three Inventions Hacking Your Food’s Carbon Footprint
Controlling climate change may look different than you expect. Creatives all around the world are at the frontlines of this fight. These innovators have found 3 effective yet unconventional ways to reduce our food's carbon footprint.
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Positive news for curious people.
There is a wave of goodness and progress well underway, all around the world.