It Came in a Package I Never Expected; Building a Gratitude Economy with Hope Zvara (Episode #06)
One thing Thought Leaders have in common, is that they combine unlikely things to create change. Today’s thought leader Hope Zvara is a perfect example. Hope is the CEO and Co-founder of Mother Trucker Yoga and the creator of STIFF Mother Trucker Pain Relief Cream. She’s also the host of the Daily Dose of Hope Podcast. Hope lives with one simple calling in mind: “help others live the best damn life possible,” which she does by sharing her dynamic story, vibrant personality, and expertise in yoga. Hope created Mother Trucker Yoga to combat the effects of prolonged sitting, limited movement, broken sleep patterns, and…

Resources Mentioned:
- Daily Dose of Hope Podcast
- Mother Trucker Yoga
- STIFF Mother Trucker Pain Relief Cream
- Advance Your Reach
- The Social Dilemma
You can connect and support Hope on LinkedIn, Instagram, Twitter, YouTube, and Facebook. Visit her website and to learn more about her and her mission.
[00:01 – 08:03] Opening Segment
- Let’s welcome our guest for today, Hope Zvara
- I speak about Hope’s story in my latest book
- Gratitude economy – rewarded for good things
- Hope gives us a bit of background on her story
- Mother Trucker Yoga
- Building a business relationship with a trucker
- Combining yoga expertise and trucking to meet truckers in their environment
- Hope is also a consultant with Advance Your Reach
- The importance of your voice
[08:04 – 19:00] It Came in a Package I Never Expected
- Hope talks about her story about wanting to make an impact somehow
- From having an eating disorder to being a wellness instructor
- Jumping at the opportunity despite the risk or fear
- Hope’s insights about taking an opportunity
- Combining the concept of trucking and yoga never occurred
- Open your mind to all possibilities
- I talk about the things in common with every thought leaders
- Combining things no one thought to combine
- Hope shares about what inspired her to get into this space
- Didn’t try to reinvent herself but used what she had
- Building off a gratitude economy
- Zone in and tune in to what people really need
- Meeting people in their environment
- Merging things to actually be an asset rather than a farce
[19:01 – 33:51] Meeting People Where They’re At; Giving Them Something Real
- Hope tells us a bit about what her activities look like
- Everything shot inside the truck
- Explaining the ‘why’ behind the ‘what’ during the activity
- Something that everyone can do
- Marrying things that actually matter
- Using surplus rather than inventing more things
- All you need is a willing body and mind
- You need to know why you’re utilizing certain tools
- Hope talks about the why behind her cream
- “I want to do things the right way”
- Something that actually works
- I talk about rigorous intention and its value
- What is being rewarded?
- Hope’s rigorous intention moments
- Creating infinite possibilities
- Never married to an outcome
- Don’t push it, let things develop over time
[33:52 – 48:07] Peeling Back the Onion to Solve Real Problems
- I talk about the internet’s effect on us today and innovators of the future
- How Hope peels back the onion
- Going back to the Why
- Adapting to the environment that people are in
- Understand what is really going on rather than solving a problem by adding more problems
- 62% of us identify as values-driven consumers
- We give to businesses who give back
- Giving back first then making profit second
- Celebrating people who make a win for everyone
- Hope gives advice on how to give back while making a profit
- Remember that the people behind a business are real people
- If you’re stuck make sure the scales aren’t off
- Show people what you are worth
[48:08 – 56:44] Closing Segment
- Hope talks about how she gives back
- Business problems are mostly personal problems in disguise
- Take ownership of everything you do to empower yourself
- How can we find you?
- See links below
- What reminds you every day that it’s still an amazing world?
- There is a person on the other end that wants to hear what you have to say
- We can keep reaching and widen our circles
- You’re not gonna prove them wrong, you’re gonna prove them better
- Final Words