5 min read
Knowing When to Quit, the Key to Success?
While grit is often hailed as the key to success, knowing when to quit may be just as crucial in reaching your goals.
5 min read
Beyond Butterflies: Giving Kids Space to Experience Emotions
Letting kids experience their emotions can foster true resilience, but striking the perfect balance between support and independence can be hard. Here's some inspiration on where to start.
5 min read
Understanding Others: The Hidden Stories Behind Our Strongest Beliefs
Understanding the origins of the beliefs of others, and of our own beliefs, can lead to greater empathy.
5 min read
Navigating Turbulence: Four Approaches to Crisis Management
Have a tough decision to make? Running into another bump in the road of life? Here's how one of the world's top CEOs handles crisis and how we can use these insights in our own lives.
2 min read
A Lesson in Conflict Resolution: How to Avoid Reaching a Boiling Point
Ever had a clash with the folks next door? When we avoid addressing issues, the feelings linger, frustrations accumulate, and there may be an eruption at an unexpected time. Where in your life might there be lines that need drawing, or conversations that must be initiated?
2 min read
Small Steps Build Momentum. Just Start!
Often, we can accomplish more by just committing to starting, rather than focusing on the bigger goal. Once we are over the hump, it’s often easier than we expect to just keep going. The law of inertia cuts both ways—people at rest tend to stay at rest, but people who are in motion tend to stay in motion too. Here are some tips on how you can just start!
5 min read
Neutralizing Weaknesses: How to Get Ahead in Whatever Game You’re Playing
In life, as in tennis, a degree of self-awareness, openness to feedback, and acknowledgement of our weaknesses is critical. But in our perfection-driven world, how can we relinquish that need for perfection and cultivate a culture where weaknesses are seen as a fact of life and embraced? Here's the key: when we build a life that lets us play to our strengths, we'll find ourselves ahead in whatever game we are playing.
2 min read
When You Give Feedback, What’s Your Kindness-to-Criticism Ratio?
When you reach out to give feedback to anyone, be it in your work, your personal life, to a person whose content you enjoy, what is your kindness to criticism ratio? Before you provide feedback to someone in your life, here are a few things to consider.
2 min read
Failing Does Not Make You a Failure
Michael Jordan played 15 years, won six championships. Would you say the other nine years were a failure? Some days you're able to be successful, some days you're not. Some days it's your turn, some days it's not your turn. Here's a lesson from the Milwaukee Bucks on the meaningful difference between failing and failure.
2 min read
Everyone Has a Story
While we may want to believe the people who rise to the top in life are always most deserving, the objective truth is different. We don't start life on a level playing field, and everyone has a backstory, just like this one of a Lyft driver with a dream.
Happy Reunions: The Value of In-Person Connection
Deep, in-person interaction is becoming rarer today. The increasingly virtual nature of how we live and work keeps us physically separated and communicating through short messages, not long talks. This is a mistake. Here's why you should invest in more in-person moments.
News Often Obscures Reality. Maybe it’s Time for a Media Diet
How we feel at any given moment, and where we choose to focus our time and energy, is greatly impacted by the information we receive. If our thoughts are negatively impacted by all the news we are consuming, it may be time to consider a news diet.
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