These feats of conservation and sustainability hold countless examples of people following their passions for protecting our planet. Let your curiosity guide you as you explore fascinating corners of our environments and discoveries that are moving us toward a greener future.

Single Mothers are Saving Africa’s Endangered Wildlife
The best thought leaders among us are quick to accept the risk of abandoning assumptions. Their courage often brings out the best in others, and here's an amazing example of that alchemy!
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5 min read

Our Plastic Waste Problem: It’s Not About Perfection
We all know that plastic waste is a huge problem, but what are we supposed to do about it? Turns out there's a lot we can do with just a few little changes!
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Your Spare Hair Could Clean the Ocean!
Did you know you are growing a way to combat oil spills? Every day, hairdressers are throwing out pounds of hair that can be used to help clean up the environment! Clean Wave is putting that hair to good use, keeping the oceans safe and protecting wildlife.
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A Village Made of Plastic
What might happen if we placed more focus on the idea of inventing ever more creative and practical uses for what's already been made? Why keep making more "stuff"? There's something popping up in Panama that can inspire us all!
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5 min read

Revisiting the Amazing Progress of The Ocean Cleanup Project
Wonder what happens to some of the amazing projects/technologies you hear about? Here's the update on an extraordinary concept invented by a 17-year-old!
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Saving Rivers by Turning Toxins Into Art!
How can painting with toxic sludge save rivers? Two professors at Ohio University are teaming up to combine art and science to conserve and protect polluted waterways!
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The Ocean Cleanup Project
At only 19 years old, Boyan Slat of the Netherlands developed an ocean cleanup array which has removed over 7 million tons of plastic from the ocean. Learn more about The Ocean Cleanup Project and how you can help.
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5 min read

Guerrilla Gardener Takes on South Central LA
Meet Ron Finley; an amazing fellow who's come up with a better idea than battling over turf. How about using "turf" in a very old way! Take a look!
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Positive news for curious people.
There is a wave of goodness and progress well underway, all around the world.