Collection Hack Your Way to a Better Day
When it comes to living a life to the fullest, are there ways we can make even the mundane things more welcomed? From forming new habits to cooking fresh meals, making more time for the things you love to ending that cycle of procrastination, here are some of our favorite easy tips to get you started.
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What if We Celebrated What’s Right with the World?
As a National Geographic photographer, Dewitt Jones learned a lot about reframing the way he looks at the world. Here are the remarkable insights he has on what we can do to find what's right with the world and start to see beauty more often.
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Getting What You Need More Often
Rejection is something we have all had to face, but fear not! What if there was a better way to look at rejection and what it really costs us?
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4 Strategies to Stop Procrastinating and Start Living
Are you a master procrastinator? As Tim Urban explains, chronic procrastinators have three main characters at play in our brains: the Rational-Decision Maker, the Instant-Gratification Monkey, and the Panic Monster! So how can we keep the monkey at bay to stop procrastinating and start living?
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5 min read

Stop Stressing and Start Living with These Helpful Meal Planning Hacks
How do we waste less food and less money? Meal planning can seem daunting, but these simple tips and tricks can make life easier, more delectable, and give us the freedom of mind to actually enjoy our food and leisure time.
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The Key to Living a Longer, Fuller Life? Ditch the Routine!
Live every day you're alive by breaking your routine. Jed Jenkins quit his job, picked up his life, and lived each day to the fullest, choosing adventure and rediscovering childlike wonder for everything new. Read on to learn a little something about the beauty of spontaneity and the amazing things that come with a willingness to do what scares you.
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Forget Perfection, Here’s the Easiest Way to Form Any New Habit!
Want to create a habit that you can actually keep? This thought leader has a trick that takes the pressure off!
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5 min read

The Simplest Way to Train Your Brain!
This routine has been shown to boost our memory, combat depression and anxiety, and reduce pain—all without expensive equipment, special skills, medications, or taking hours out of our day. But is meditation really a practical addition to our busy lives? One of our favorite creators puts it to the test.
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5 min read

How to Transform Your Weaknesses into Your Secrets to Success!
What if the secret to getting the full potential out of your life, your productivity, and your gifts started with your weaknesses? It seems like an odd place to start, but this TED talk will have you looking at your weaknesses in an entirely new light in less than 10 minutes!
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Why Yoga?
Does all that stretching, turning upside down, and breathing really do anything? Why do people think yoga is so great? What kind of benefits can the average, unflexible, person get from yoga? Why not ask an average, unflexible dad what he thinks after doing it for 30 days?
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The Secret Power of Checklists
The fastest way to start reducing your stress and increasing productivity doesn't require any expensive new planners or apps. All you need to start working with the accuracy skill of a doctor or an astronaut is a piece of paper and a pen!
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Ask Yourself These Three Questions and They Can Change Your Life!
What if three questions could help us live happier lives filled with more joy and meaning? The answers to these questions have the power to change the way we interact with our loved ones, do our work, and live a more fulfilled existence together!
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The Simple Secrets to Finding Time to Read More!
Here's an awesome little video that gives us a few — surprisingly simple — tips on how (and why) reading more books can change the future for each of us!
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