Cultivating Emotional Intelligence to Manage Your Reaction to the World with Brittney-Nichole (Episode #88)
In this episode, we welcome Brittney-Nichole to talk about emotional intelligence, or the ability to be aware and sensitive to our own emotions and the emotions of others. We discuss some of the most common things that impede our ability to develop this skill, including negativity bias, victim mentality, and a lack of receptivity to feedback. We talk about how taking risks can be a valuable way of growing and learning, and how being willing to step out of our comfort zone can help us to become stronger and more capable.
Episode Highlights
About Our Guest
Mistakes are part of life. They happen to everyone, and there’s nothing we can do to prevent them. What we can do is learn from them and use them as opportunities to grow and develop as individuals.
Brittney-Nichole Connor-Savarda, author of The EQ Deficiency, is the region’s foremost authority on emotional intelligence and awareness and lives her purpose as a catalyst for change. Brittney-Nichole earned degrees in education and psychology, a certification as a Neuro-Linguistic Program (NLP) practitioner and is a HeartMath trainer. As a credentialed and respected “People Whisperer,” Brittney-Nichole specializes in working one-on-one with high-achieving individuals and entrepreneurs to help them discover a life of fulfillment, balance, and confidence that success and things alone can not satisfy. In addition, she partners with executives and their teams to solve the people problems that are holding them back from innovation and people-centered success.
Resources Mentioned:
The EQ Deficiency – Brittney-Nichole
5 Techniques to Override Primal Impulse to Defend and Protect our Ego – Brittney-Nichole
Feedback vs. Criticism – Brittney-Nichole
4 Steps to Increase Self-Awareness and 12 Strategies to Help you Self-Regulate – Anna KeilYou can connect with Brittney through Linkedin, or you can visit to know more about her works. Listen to her podcast, “Living and Leading with Emotional Intelligence“.
Show Notes
[00:08 – 09:19] Opening Segment
- A thought leader in the field of emotional intelligence
- Emotional Intelligence is fundamental to our ability to recover from the current political and social landscape
- Brittney’s book, The EQ Deficiency
- Self awareness is the foundational element of emotional intelligence
- Brittney talks about the importance of intention
[09:19 – 29:09] Reciprocity and Vulnerability
- Emotional intelligence as a key factor in being mindful with reciprocity
- Expecting something in return is not 100% genuine
- Gratefulness as a major piece
- Assuming good intentions from people
- Ability to show vulnerability
- Feedback vs. intent
- Feedback is about intent, while criticism is how you’re delivering it
[29:08 – 47:25] Emotional Intelligence
- Brittney shares about the purpose of the Emotional Intelligence magazine
- Thoughts and opinions on the cancel culture
- Being afraid to learn and expand our perspectives
- How emotional intelligence gives you the flexibility in our beliefs
[47:26 – 56:07] Closing Segment
- Mistakes as a stepping stone in life
- Emotional intelligence allows us to communicate more effectively
- Some tips for increasing self-awareness and self-regulation
- See links below to know more about Brittney Nichole