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Image: Liesl Ulrich Workshop

Using Curiosity as a Guide with Liesl Ulrich-Verderber


How do we start on the journey to finding meaning and purpose in our lives? In this 40 minute workshop Liesl, the founder of the Conspiracy of Goodness Network and CEO of positive media company Ever Widening Circles, will guide us through a curiosity-driven process to answering this question.

Our Speaker

Liesl Ulrich-Verderber is the CEO of Ever Widening Circles and Founder of the Conspiracy of Goodness Network. She has built this media company intent on changing the negative dialogue about our times and curating the insights & innovations that prove it’s still an amazing world! As a lifelong learner, Liesl is always looking to inspire curiosity, connect people to a wider world, and give us all a sense of possibility.

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Positive news for curious people.

There is a wave of goodness and progress well underway, all around the world.