2 min read
A Guide to Finding Hidden Joy in Everyday Moments
Discover a simple, powerful practice to uncover hidden moments of joy in life—no belief required, just an open mind to life’s small wonders.
5 min read
How to Make Meditation Work for You
Does meditation feel like an impossible chore? Here's how to reframe your way of thinking about your practice, and make meditation work for you.
5 min read
What’s Wrong with Being Angry?
Anger seems to be running rampant in society, but what's wrong with being angry? Here's a different way of looking at anger that may help us heal.
5 min read
Why Being Bored is Wonderful!
Do we need to be bored more often? In a world that is constantly full of mental chatter, boredom can help us practice finding respite.
5 min read
Get Rid of the Imposter Syndrome For Good!
How do you fight imposter syndrome (and keep it away for good)? Content partner, Dr. Srikumar Rao, has a new take on this age-old problem.
2 min read
How to Build Great Relationships!
How well do you know your parents and how are your relationships with them? There will come a time when your parents become your children. Trust me—it will happen. And then they will be gone, and you realize that you are alone, and you never really knew them. So how do you make sure that you form closer bonds with them before they exit the stage?
2 min read
Lessons From a Snow Globe and Other Insights
Have you ever shaken a snow globe? Picture the picturesque scene it holds inside, and see in your mind how it grows hazy as if snow is falling. Could the snow falling be a great representation for our mental chatter, quickly spinning us out of control until we can't see our hand in front of our face? Here's a story of how we can eliminate that snow in our brain and bring tranquility back into our lives.
2 min read
Should You Be Content? Or Strive for More?
Look at your life today and then look back twenty years. Odds are pretty good that your life right now is something that you dreamed of a bare two decades ago. So why aren’t you happier than you are? Should you be content? If you are not, should you try to learn how to be content?
5 min read
Lesson From a Blockbuster Movie
What is the story that you are telling yourself about the things that bother you? Are you facing financial problems, relationship issues, health concerns, career stagnation? How do you face each of these? What happens to you is important. The story you tell yourself about what happens to you is much more important.
2 min read
The Greatest Gift You Can Give Your Child
Have you heard about "mental chatter?" It's something many of us struggle with, and our children do, too. Here's how you can engage with your child about "mental chatter," courtesy of guest writer Dr. Srikumar Rao.
2 min read
Should I Tell, or Not?
Everyone needs advice from time to time, but perhaps more important than the advice itself is the person who is giving it. Here are some criteria for you to consider before confiding in others.
Who Are You to ‘Forgive’ Anyone?
Guest writer Srikumar Rao has an interesting thought experiment for you. What would happen if we all made a concerted effort to put our egos aside, and consider the notion that help is coming from the universe: happening "through" you and not "by" you or "from" you?
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