Smiling woman in glasses against bright wall

Arts & Culture

From artistic collaborations to creative problem solving, the arts have the power to lift us up and transform our future. These stories celebrate art, creativity, and culture in all its forms.

45 min watch
Artist, Educator, and Social Entrepreneur Ernesto Rodriguez of Sereneview

Transforming Stressful Spaces with Nature Photography with Ernesto Rodriguez (Episode #180)

Ernesto Rodriguez is using a lifetime of experiences bridging art, science, and nature to create healing environments, and he can teach us how to combine our own unique life experiences to create real impact in remarkable ways. During this interview, you may see a path for yourself appear: one that allows you to live with joyous energy to the very end.
Read MoreTransforming Stressful Spaces with Nature Photography with Ernesto Rodriguez (Episode #180)
54 min watch
Image: Connor Ryan

Applying an Indigenous Mindset: A Trip Through the Daily News with Connor Ryan PART 2 (Episode #167)

There is an amazing brand of young “influencers” who are diving, whole-heartedly, into their unique opportunity to make the world a better place, and today we are fortunate to have one of them as our guest. Connor Ryan, who was named one of the “20 Most Influential People in the Outdoor Industry” by Outside Magazine, is a proud Lakota tribe member and passionate professional skier, and he is bringing his understanding of Native American perspectives to the problems we need to be solving in our world right now.
Read MoreApplying an Indigenous Mindset: A Trip Through the Daily News with Connor Ryan PART 2 (Episode #167)
14 min read
Image: People in a crowd dancing at a concert

How Music Reshapes Our Brains

Have you ever gotten chills when the right song comes on? What about that feeling of euphoria you experience singing your favorite song at the top of your lungs on a beautiful day? Is this just a quirk of humanity or is there something deeper going on here that connects us to our shared humanity? Science has some pretty remarkable answers to these questions!
Read MoreHow Music Reshapes Our Brains
55 min watch
Image: Connor Ryan

Unlearning Modern Expectations with an Indigenous Mindset with Connor Ryan: PART 1

There are a few young “influencers” who are poised to have an enormous positive impact on our shared humanity, and our guest today, Connor Ryan, is one of them. He is an exciting figure, making waves both on and off the ski slopes, and his journey is anything but conventional. What sets him apart is not just his prowess on skis, but his unique role as a bridge—a translator—connecting us to the wonders and nuances of the Lakota language and Native American culture. This interview was so fascinating that we plan to have Connor back for a Part 2, so check that out next!
Read MoreUnlearning Modern Expectations with an Indigenous Mindset with Connor Ryan: PART 1
59 min watch
Image: Dewitt Jones

Nat Geo Photographer Captures The Beauty That Transcends Our Differences with Dewitt Jones (Episode #160)

Renowned National Geographic Photographer Dewitt Jones shares with us a life-changing habit, available to us all: celebrate what’s right with the world. The perspectives he shares today can open up a radically improved landscape of possibilities for you and I. As a bonus, today’s video episode contains some of his most inspiring images: stunning views of the night sky, time lapses of water rushing in on the shore beneath a gorgeous sky, beautifully-lit hot air balloons reflecting off the water below, and more. This is an episode you won’t want to miss.
Read MoreNat Geo Photographer Captures The Beauty That Transcends Our Differences with Dewitt Jones (Episode #160)

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There is a wave of goodness and progress well underway, all around the world.