Arts & Culture
From artistic collaborations to creative problem solving, the arts have the power to lift us up and transform our future. These stories celebrate art, creativity, and culture in all its forms.
51 min listen

2 Billion Meals Served to Hungry Kids with Debbie Shore (Episode #136)
Debbie Shore is co-founder of Share Our Strength, which has fed close to 2 billion meals to hungry children since their campaign, No Kid Hungry, began. (That’s billion with a B, folks!) Today's episode is full of stories and insights from that remarkable journey that will give you many nuggets of inspiration and ingenious thinking to take into your own path to make the world a little better place.
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The Savannah Bananas Bring Fun and Excitement to America’s Favorite Pastime
Have you heard of the Savannah Bananas? This Georgia based team has hit a real home run with their mission: to make baseball fans first, and most of all, fun! Roasting s’mores during a game, going up to bat on stilts, and a dancing umpire are just the tip of the iceberg of antics that go on at these games. And they make this, as the Bananas like to call it, the greatest show in sports!
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The Secrets Hidden in Your Sunday Crossword
There's a lot more to these puzzles than meets the eye. So what goes into making them? Why do we love them so much? And is there really any truth to the claims that completing a puzzle a day will ward off aging? Here's all you could want to know about the world of crosswords, with a bit of fun added in! (We promise, it's quite exciting!)
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5 min read

Ukraine Family Uses Etsy to Keep Heirloom Weaving Tradition Alive
In the Carpathian mountains of Ukraine, the Kischuk family has taken to the internet to keep the centuries old tradition of weaving lizhnyk blankets alive. From sheep to final shipping, Natalya Kischuk and her husband Yaroslov, along with their children, use traditional methods handed down for generations to craft beautiful blankets, rugs, and clothing that are now enjoyed by people around the globe.
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64 min listen

You Are Worthy of Good Food: Nourishing Your Body and Soul with Chef Kenny Minor (Episode #132)
Chef Kenny Minor will make you hungry for both food and the joyful culture that can be built around cooking and eating. You will love this conversation for the sense of fun that it brings up from your past and the possibilities it brings to the meals you can enjoy with others in the future! Chef Kenny was named Top Chef by Ebony Magazine for his fresh ideas about eating and cooking, as well as the exuberant punch of personality he brings to everything he does.
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Do As The Aussies Do, Lose the Shoes!
What’s the deal with Australians being barefoot all the time? Dip your toes into the history behind a cultural tradition that began just after WWII and remains prevalent to this day. You may just walk away feeling relaxed, with a newfound appreciation for your own feet!
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How the Jump Rope Became an Elite Sport and a Symbol of Community
Double dutch may be one of the most underrated sports out there. These young athletes combine football star levels of footwork with the flexibility of gymnasts and the speed of sprinters. Better yet, they are a part of a community built to give them the support and love they need. Now this is inspiring!
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5 min read

Symphony of Broken Instruments Raises Money for Philadelphia Music Programs
What do you do with a gymnasium full of broken instruments? Play them! Check out how this symphony of broken instruments repaired a community.
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The Bread as Unique as the Place You Make It
There is a revival happening. And it's coming in the form of something we all love: bread! Sourdough has been a connection to the bread ovens of our ancestors for more than 5000 years, and now you can travel the kitchens of the world from a unique library in Belgium!
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Walk Through the City You Didn’t Know You Were Smelling Everyday!
Perfume has influenced our lives for more than 4000 years! But did you know many of the perfumes we know best today have their origins in the fields and flowers of one city in France? Let's travel to this city behind some of the most iconic smells in history to learn how perfume has shaped our cultures.
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5 min read

Tokyo’s “Do-Nothing Guy” Shows Us the Power In Being Present for Others
Would you rent a guy to do absolutely nothing? In a society where productivity is praised, can someone make a living by just being around? Today we’re introducing Shoji Morimoto, Tokyo’s “Do-Nothing Guy”, who gets paid to simply show up. He’s enriching the lives of others without hardly saying a word, and his approach to making a career out of his seemingly useless talent is brilliant. Here’s why.
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5 min read

Here’s Looking at You Kid! A Lesson from Casablanca
Oftentimes, the most compelling and transcendent media are those in which characters act in other-centered manners, overcoming their petty personal concerns for the sake of someone else or a greater cause. Take Casablanca, for example. One of the most well known films of all time does just this...
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