Image: young girl in a hospital bed wearing a VR headset

Collection Innovations Helping to Save Lives

From sharks to asparagus, virtual reality to man’s best friend, we are living in an unprecedented time of scientific discovery. Here are some of our favorite creative and remarkable innovations that are having a profound impact on our health and well-being.

Image: Purple, sparkly slime. Not the exact slime that makes up the slime robots, but certainly a more aesthetic version!

These Slime Robots Could Save Your Life!

When I say “robot” what do you think of? I’m guessing it’s something boxy, solid, metal, maybe a little rigid in its movements. So, what if I told you that scientists are working on a liquid robot, or to be more accurate, a slime robot. This strange little guy challenges our understanding of what robots can be capable of, and in the process, has the power to revolutionize medicine!
Read MoreThese Slime Robots Could Save Your Life!
5 min read
Image: A shark swimming near the surface of the ocean, one of the many sharks who inspired the Sharklet antibacterial pattern.

The World’s First Germ Resistant Material, Inspired by… Sharks?

Taking inspiration from sharks, we now have a technology that can help prevent the spread of Staph infections, E Coli, MRSA, and other superbugs that we don’t even have antibiotics for yet! Engineers have discovered that shark skin has a unique pattern that can be duplicated and applied to everything from door handles to medical equipment to prevent the spread of deadly diseases.
Read MoreThe World’s First Germ Resistant Material, Inspired by… Sharks?

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