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Image: Dr. Lynda Ulrich Workshop

Improve Your Life Online with Dr. Lynda Ulrich


How can we live better online lives? How do we keep from being swept away by the divisiveness and division that the internet spotlights? 

Check out this workshop with the founder of Ever Widening Circles and positive media mogul Dr. Lynda Ulrich to learn why the internet and media have become so seemingly negative, and what we can do to start living a more positive life online and off.
With just 4 simple shifts we can transform the world we see on the internet, and help usher in a new, more positive era for us all. 

Check out more of Dr. Lynda’s work below:

Dr. Lynda Ulrich

Our Speaker

Dr. Lynda is the ultimate kind of connector: she sees possibility everywhere and is an expert in fitting seemingly stray parts together; instincts sharpened by a life as a global traveler, an exceptional artist, and early adopter of technology.

She is the founder of Ever Widening Circles (EWC), a Global Positive Media Company that began, in 2014, publishing thousands of articles and links about remarkable insights and innovation going uncelebrated.

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