
These feats of conservation and sustainability hold countless examples of people following their passions for protecting our planet. Let your curiosity guide you as you explore fascinating corners of our environments and discoveries that are moving us toward a greener future.

7 min read
Image: Seed robot in the dirt

These Tiny Wooden Robots are a Future Forest Falling From the Sky!

Get ready to discover your new favorite (well, maybe second favorite) corkscrew! The best scientific breakthroughs are often inspired by nature, and today we’re exploring a game-changing innovation that was inspired by nature, for nature. Prepare to be wowed as we propel ourselves deep into the origins of a new self-seeding robot that is tackling deforestation from the sky above!
Read MoreThese Tiny Wooden Robots are a Future Forest Falling From the Sky!
12 min read
Image: A man holding a drone up to the camera.

The Future of Wildfire Defense: How Drones are Protecting Forests and Saving Lives

After a summer dominated by news of wildfires, a beacon of hope has started to emerge. Soaring above the smoke and flames, these heroes aren’t who you might expect. No, these new champions against wildfire aren’t people... they’re drones. Here's a glimpse of a world where technology and nature can unite to confront the growing threat of wildfires head-on. 
Read MoreThe Future of Wildfire Defense: How Drones are Protecting Forests and Saving Lives
47 min listen
Image: Claudia Ruane

Turn Your Sustainability Sacrifices into a Joyful Game with Claudia Ruane (Episode #149)

Dr. Lynda sits down with Claudia Ruane from an amazing company, Do Nation, that is turning the loss and sacrifice model of “living sustainably” on its head and making it possible for people to change habits and feel expansive, important, and energized. Do Nation is connecting businesses and all of us as individuals—each in our own way—to small acts that can really move the needle in mitigating climate change and putting a spring back in our steps.
Read MoreTurn Your Sustainability Sacrifices into a Joyful Game with Claudia Ruane (Episode #149)
55 min listen
Image: Hannah Phang

Find Work That Matters: Sustainability-Focused Companies Want Your Talents with Hannah Phang (Episode #147)

Doing work that matters—work that really lights you up—can impact your health and longevity so much that the goal of creating that kind of working-life is fast becoming a central theme in the new world of work. People seek work that matters, but for the longest time there hasn’t been a place dedicated to helping people find that work. To solve this problem, Hannah Phang co-founded The Now Work, a platform that connects people who have world-changing skills and aspirations with world-changing work and companies who are just waiting for the right talent to come along.
Read MoreFind Work That Matters: Sustainability-Focused Companies Want Your Talents with Hannah Phang (Episode #147)
10 min read
Image: Five Ocean Sole artisans standing with a large rhino, made entirely of recycled flip flops.

Kenyan Nonprofit Turns Flip Flops into Beautiful Works of Art, Cleaning Beaches and Empowering Communities

In sculptures made of flip flops that you have to see to believe featuring turtles, elephants, zebras, life-size giraffes, and many, many more, Kenyan nonprofit Ocean Sole’s artistic ingenuity solves more than one problem. Turning trash into treasure, this organization cleans Kenyan beaches, provides jobs for local artisans, and raises awareness for our flip flop problem, all at the same time. Ready to feast your eyes on this incredible art?
Read MoreKenyan Nonprofit Turns Flip Flops into Beautiful Works of Art, Cleaning Beaches and Empowering Communities
20 min read/watch
Image: Two whales spy hop to see the world around them above the water

Here’s What Killer Whales Have in Common with Your Grandmother!

Killer whales have more in common with your grandmother than you may think. It's a fascinating story and an opportunity for all of us to easily make the world a little better place today! Turns out, some wise elders of the Pacific Northwest, grandmother killer whales, are at a tipping point for their survival, but we can influence that quickly. This is an amazing story and a chance to be change-makers!
Read MoreHere’s What Killer Whales Have in Common with Your Grandmother!
Image: Man standing underneath a rock arch looking up at the stars of the night sky

80% of the World Lives Beneath Light Polluted Skies. We Can Change That by Tonight

When was the last time you gazed up at the stars of the night sky? Imagine if future generations didn't have access to that wonder? Light pollution impacts 80% of humanity, and it can have serious impacts on our health and the planet. Here are the people working to save our dark skies and the easy ways you can make a positive impact too.
Read More80% of the World Lives Beneath Light Polluted Skies. We Can Change That by Tonight
55 min listen
Image: Topher White

Your Backyard at Night: What the Critters Can Teach Us with Topher White (Episode #135)

This chat with conservation innovator Topher White will give you a feeling of celebration and wonder. In 2013, he created the ingenious Rainforest Connection, a nonprofit which is helping to preserve biodiversity in 34 countries and counting. And now, he is launching another pioneering technology! But this time, it’s one we can all bring to our own backyards, neighborhoods, and even on vacation. All of that, in the service of making a personal connection with the natural world around us, in fascinating and delightful ways.
Read MoreYour Backyard at Night: What the Critters Can Teach Us with Topher White (Episode #135)

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