These feats of conservation and sustainability hold countless examples of people following their passions for protecting our planet. Let your curiosity guide you as you explore fascinating corners of our environments and discoveries that are moving us toward a greener future.

Meet the New Vegan Bacon Made From Seaweed
When it comes to faux bacon, it’s not just about taste. People want the bacon to be as authentic as possible including the sizzling fat. Now a Bay Area California startup has introduced a vegan bacon that is made from seaweed that tastes delicious and has a crispy bacon appearance.
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62 min listen

282 Lawyers Defend a Client Without a Voice: Planet Earth with Elspeth Jones (Episode #117)
Today's episode will give you hope and a sense that the tide is actually turning, if just thinking about the state of our planet makes you sad or fearful. Our guest—Elspeth Jones—is the warm, funny, brilliant Deputy CEO of an environmental law charity called ClientEarth whose main client is just what the name implies: their client is our planet! Turns out, there is a group of global lawyers whose only client is The Earth. And with a support team of experts in conservation, they are defending our planet and making real change legally binding.
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5 min read

How Indigenous Knowledge Helped Plant Over 3 Million Trees in the Andes
Over 30 years, the work of one man eventually brought together 25,000 families to make an immeasurable difference in the lives of his community for generations to come. Using Indigenous knowledge to save the planet saves lives, and that has never been easier. How, you ask?
Read MoreHow Indigenous Knowledge Helped Plant Over 3 Million Trees in the Andes
88 min listen

Saving Whales to Save Ourselves: Shared Survival through Whale Research with Iain Kerr (Episode #116)
A constant source of wonder in the world is learning about innovators who use technology in wildly novel ways to do tasks that used to be chores or next to impossible. Our guest, Dr. Iain Kerr, is at the center of that kind of wonder with the way he combines drone technology, the science of snot, and the study of whales. (Yes, you read that right.) Even if you are not a science enthusiast, Iain’s take on progress, finding purpose, perseverance, and innovative thinking will simply put a spring in your step.
Read MoreSaving Whales to Save Ourselves: Shared Survival through Whale Research with Iain Kerr (Episode #116)
Reforesting Iceland: Returning Trees to the Land of Fire and Ice
Iceland is thought of as the land of Ice and Snow, but did you know that it was once almost half-covered in forests? Now with less than 2% of its forests remaining, Mossy Earth is embarking on a massive reforestation project to stop Iceland’s desertification in its tracks.
Read MoreReforesting Iceland: Returning Trees to the Land of Fire and Ice
51 min listen

10,000 Volunteers Fighting the Waste Created by Fast Fashion with Jessica Schreiber (Episode #113)
What fascinates you? If you wonder how your unique skills and interests could combine to put bread on your table, and make the world a little better place, then our guest, Jessica Schreiber, will change your future. She took an observation in her internship, and turned it into an amazing nonprofit in New York City that has 800+ companies as clients, over 10,000 volunteers, and saves NYC tens of millions of dollars every year. It’s a story that any of us could use in our own journeys to discover what we are uniquely built to contribute!
Read More10,000 Volunteers Fighting the Waste Created by Fast Fashion with Jessica Schreiber (Episode #113)
10 min watch

FABSCRAP’s Model for Why and How Manufacturers Can Do Their Part in Reducing Waste
How the biggest burden for recycling should be shifted to manufacturers… right now they have no responsibility for what they produce.
Read MoreFABSCRAP’s Model for Why and How Manufacturers Can Do Their Part in Reducing Waste
Could Plastic-Packed Ecobricks Really Build a Brighter Future?
Can an empty soda bottle packed with plastic wrappers be the key to saving money and saving the planet? Let’s find out how Ecobricks are putting a cap on how much single use plastic gets tossed around the globe.
Read MoreCould Plastic-Packed Ecobricks Really Build a Brighter Future?
5 min read

Oh Dam! How Beavers are Master Environmental Engineers… and Might Just Save the World
Imagine if we had millions of eager, highly skilled, environmental engineers, ready to devote their lives to fight drought, forest fires, and flooding — 24/7, 365 days a year — never asking for payment, just wanting to be left in peace. Wouldn’t we want to welcome them to our communities? Well, you don’t have to hope they show up, they’re already here! They just aren’t people, they’re beavers.
Read MoreOh Dam! How Beavers are Master Environmental Engineers… and Might Just Save the World
The Company Crushing Your Wine Bottles to Save Louisiana’s Coastline
Step one: get the glass. Step two: smash the glass. Step three: sort the glass. Step four: save the planet. An idea that began in a college dorm room with a bottle of wine has grown into a massive startup that is saving us from the world's sand shortage and saving Louisiana's shrinking coast. Here's how Glass Half Full is doing it.
Read MoreThe Company Crushing Your Wine Bottles to Save Louisiana’s Coastline
How Whale Snot is Saving an Ocean Near You!
Whale biologists at the Ocean Alliance are pioneering a new, non-invasive way to study whales using drones that allows scientists to observe whales like never before. These insights are giving us a glimpse into the lives of the largest creatures to ever live, and helping us understand how to better protect the oceans that they call home and we depend on.
Read MoreHow Whale Snot is Saving an Ocean Near You!
5 min read

Adventure to the Island that Came Back from Extinction
Can we really save an entire ecosystem when it is nearly hunted to extinction? We can! Let's adventure to an island of survival where life is once again finding a way.
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Positive news for curious people.
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