These feats of conservation and sustainability hold countless examples of people following their passions for protecting our planet. Let your curiosity guide you as you explore fascinating corners of our environments and discoveries that are moving us toward a greener future.

Monarch Butterfly Migration: A Breathtaking Journey
The Monarch Butterfly migration is one of the most remarkable journies on this planet. Join us for the breathtaking details, on a journey of your own to explore the science, culture, and conservation. In the end, we'll stand in awe of this feat of nature!
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NASA Technology is Being Used to Save Coral Reefs
Coral reefs are some of the most important ecosystems on the planet to each and every one of us, but few realize the connection. You may know coral is in danger, but the future isn't as dark as we so often hear. Meet the people who are hard using amazing, cutting-edge technology to save our corals and building a brighter future for us all!
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62 min listen

Here’s A Better Way to Axe Food Waste (Hint: It’s Not Composting!) with Andrew Shakman (Episode #130)
Many of us are conscientiously making new habits to help with the problem of climate change: recycling, making greener purchasing choices, or reducing our carbon footprint. But did you know there is a solution well underway that can reduce 13% of greenhouse gasses if the food industry made one commitment? Yes, our guest today—Andrew Shakman—is tackling (and winning against) one problem: food waste. And this one problem that we know how to solve in a fascinating, completely new way. Hint: it is not about more composting!
Read MoreHere’s A Better Way to Axe Food Waste (Hint: It’s Not Composting!) with Andrew Shakman (Episode #130)
Big Tech is Becoming an Ally in the Fight Against Climate Change!
The fight for our planet is a daunting one, and in a world where just 100 companies are responsible for 71% of global emissions, this fight requires not only individual action but massive action in the form of companies doing their part. And good news: big tech companies are joining the fight! Here's how.
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Artificial Intelligence is Revolutionizing Farming. Here’s How
In the next 30 years, we will have to drastically change the way we feed the world. Our food future may rely on combining the wisdom of generations of farmers with the precision and power of artificial intelligence. Here’s what that future looks like!
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5 min read

How This Hero Conservation Dog Fought to Save the World’s Only Ground-Nesting Alpine Parrot
The mountains of New Zealand are home to a fascinating community of inquisitive, mischievous parrots who make their homes not in the trees but on the ground. They are called kea, and over the last 200 years their populations have been decimated, placing them on the endangered species list. With unnatural foes attacking their nests, an unexpected hero has come to their rescue. He doesn’t wear a cape but rather a collar, and with his sidekick, Corey Mosen, Ajax the border collie-cross has devoted his life to keeping kea safe.
Read MoreHow This Hero Conservation Dog Fought to Save the World’s Only Ground-Nesting Alpine Parrot
Saving Endangered Lives in the First Sea Turtle Hospital
We've all been hearing that sea turtles need help... so, who's been helping them? Some really inspiring people you'll want to meet yourself! This fantastic video brings us into a sea turtle clinic to give us a look at what's being done to save these ancient creatures from the injuries and diseases they've picked up as they go about. It's a truly amazing place.
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59 min listen

How 82 Million Minutes of Rainforest Audio Could Save Your Life with Bourhan Yassin (Episode #124)
It is possible to save all the remaining rainforests in the world when we connect three things: technology, imagination, and our love for the world. Our guest today, Bourhan Yassin, is CEO of a nonprofit—the Rainforest Connection (RFCx)—that has been working towards doing exactly that since 2014. Their founder discovered that we could use simple cell phone technology to detect and stop illegal logging, and in less than a decade, the RFCx has expanded into using sound and machine learning to protect biodiversity in all kinds of places.
Read MoreHow 82 Million Minutes of Rainforest Audio Could Save Your Life with Bourhan Yassin (Episode #124)
9 min read

What Happens to Your Half-Used Hotel Soap? Now, It Could Save Lives
What happens to the bars of soap and toiletries that get left behind after you stay at a hotel? Turns out nearly 2 million bars end up in the landfill each day. But now, Clean the World is on the case! Having found a way to recycle used bars into new soap, they are saving millions of lives each year.
Read MoreWhat Happens to Your Half-Used Hotel Soap? Now, It Could Save Lives 
The Birth of the First Baby Bison in this Region in Thousands of Years
Bison are ecosystem engineers, making their environments better simply by existing there. Formerly native to England, they slowly disappeared over time. But now, thousands of years later, a bison has given birth in the United Kingdom, marking a true win for rewilding efforts in the region.
Read MoreThe Birth of the First Baby Bison in this Region in Thousands of Years
Take Your Backyard from Wasteland to Wildlife Wonderland in 365 Days
Many of us count on nature for inspiration, wellness, and wonder. But what are we giving back to it? Meet the nature enthusiast who built an entire living pond in his backyard to attract local wildlife. And in turn, discover for yourself how quickly, and beautifully, things can get wild.
Read MoreTake Your Backyard from Wasteland to Wildlife Wonderland in 365 Days
Combing Caves for a Cure to Deadly Bacterial Infections
We've been able to protect ourselves from most bacterial infections for decades now, but that's changing. Deadly bacteria are catching onto our tactics and antibiotic resistance is on the rise. Here's how some scientists are working to stay one step ahead of this problem by exploring the depths of caves and the bacteria that call them home!
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Positive news for curious people.
There is a wave of goodness and progress well underway, all around the world.