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Wrap up each week on a positive note with our Today in Goodness newsletter featuring our top content from the week, goodness on the horizon, and good news from around the world. 

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Image: a pile of clothing

FABSCRAP’s Model for Why and How Manufacturers Can Do Their Part in Reducing Waste

How the biggest burden for recycling should be shifted to manufacturers… right now they have no responsibility for what they produce.

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10,000 Volunteers Fighting the Waste Created by Fast Fashion with Jessica Schreiber (Episode #113)

What fascinates you? If you wonder how your unique skills and interests could combine to put bread on your table, and make the world a little better place, then our guest, Jessica Schreiber, will change your future. She took an observation in her internship, and turned it into an amazing nonprofit in New York City that has 800+ companies as clients, over 10,000 volunteers, and saves NYC tens of millions of dollars every year. It’s a story that any of us could use in our own journeys to discover what we are uniquely built to contribute!

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Positive news for curious people.

There is a wave of goodness and progress well underway, all around the world.