Collection Innovations for a Greener Tomorrow
From greener energy to feeding a growing planet, we will need a remarkable amount of innovation to create the technologies that will sustain the world of tomorrow. Luckily, there are already innovators around the world tackling some of the biggest sustainability challenges we face today. Here are just a few of our favorites to leave you optimistic and inspired!

Floating Solar Farms Are a Game Changer
The sun’s power is virtually infinite — opportunities to collect and make use of it are not. As demand for renewable energy increases, so does the need for places to generate it. Over the last few years, a technological evolution has resulted in solar farms that take up no land at all.
Read MoreFloating Solar Farms Are a Game Changer
Airplanes May Soon be Using Algae to Fly
New uses for algae are becoming increasingly widespread. From eating healthier, to a natural fertilizer, and to being used in a bio-jet fuel, this aquatic plant’s popularity is soaring.
Read MoreAirplanes May Soon be Using Algae to Fly
5 min read

Using the Moon to Power our Cities with Tidal Power
What if the moon could be our next renewable energy source? Okay, maybe not the moon itself, but a force that it’s controlled since the first oceans covered our planet: the tides. More consistent and constant than wind or solar, this energy source could be the next leap in renewable energy.
Read MoreUsing the Moon to Power our Cities with Tidal Power
Removing 90% of the Ocean’s Plastic in the Next 20 Years is Possible
Just a few months ago in October of 2021, The Ocean Cleanup Project reached a revolutionary milestone with their newest System 002 model: proof of technology. With this massive achievement, the nonprofit is projected to clean 90% of the ocean’s plastic waste in the next 20 years.
Read MoreRemoving 90% of the Ocean’s Plastic in the Next 20 Years is Possible
Restoring the Rainforest by Helping Locals Become Eco-Entrepreneurs
Can you make an impact on saving a rainforest, even though it may be far from your front door? With this nonprofit, you can do just that and help save the rainforest from your couch!
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How #TeamTrees Proves the Internet Can Do Good
20. Million. NEW. Trees. You read that right! When fans of YouTuber MrBeast sparked a lofty goal of planting 20 million trees in 2019, the mission spread like wildfire, exploding to include thousands of content creators and hundreds of thousands of people around the world. Check this story out for proof that when people come together for good, there’s no end to their impact.
Read MoreHow #TeamTrees Proves the Internet Can Do Good 
These Bacteria Have Found a Way to Break Down Plastic!
Could it be that single-celled organisms have found a solution to our plastic problem? It turns out that nature is far more adaptable than we may think—and we can use their skills to combat plastic pollution!
Read MoreThese Bacteria Have Found a Way to Break Down Plastic!
5 min read

Can You Fit a 2-Acre Garden in a Shipping Container?
How do we increase access to fresh, nutritious foods in places lacking the land to grow it? Square Roots may be bringing us towards the solution by growing the equivalent of a 2-acre garden inside a shipping container!
Read MoreCan You Fit a 2-Acre Garden in a Shipping Container?
What’s Our Waste Worth? A Fresh Look at the Value of Our World’s Plastic Waste
What if we saw plastic waste as a valuable commodity and not just trash? The plastics littering our beaches and streets are an untapped resource just waiting to be explored by creative entrepreneurs around the world. Find out how!
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Positive news for curious people.
There is a wave of goodness and progress well underway, all around the world.