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No Groceries For a Year: One Couple’s Homegrown Journey

Image: The couple who went a full year without buying groceries
Could you go an entire year without going to the grocery store? Would you know the first thing about when to plant your tomatoes? What about raising your own livestock? Or foraging in your backyard? For most of us, living off the land would feel like a near impossibility, but for one Canadian couple, their inexperience became a source of inspiration. Their goal: go an entire year without buying anything from the grocery store.

Take a Walk with a Doctor: Understanding Yourself Through Nature with Jonathan Reisman M.D. (Episode #99)

Image: Jonathan Reisman
The best medicines for overwhelm these days are joy and wonder. Both, when you can get it! And today’s guest, Dr. Jonathan Reisman, brings us exactly that. He is a pediatrician and ER physician with a penchant for adventure travel, nature and food, and connecting ideas that no one ever thought to combine. His writing has appeared in The New York Times, Washington Post, Slate, and Discover Magazine and now he has a book that is one of the best “bedside reads” you might ever come across: The Unseen Body: A Doctor's Journey Through the Hidden Wonders of Human Anatomy.

The Wonderful Things You Miss When You Fixate on the End Goal with Michael Schauch (Episode #97)

Image: Michael Schauch
There’s a skill you can develop for discovering the brilliant hidden possibilities when your plans are dashed. In today’s episode, Michael Schauch (a mountaineer, entrepreneur and award winning author) pulls back the curtain on all our goal-setting to reveal the depth and beauty of human connection that can be waiting for us too, when we realize we are in a unique moment of transition.

Why Safe Discomfort is Vital to Growth

Image: Flowers in different stages of growth, symbolizing the growth that blooms from engaging safe discomfort
We constantly hear from others that the best experiences in life happen when we’re outside our comfort zones. While we know this to be true, we often struggle to follow the advice when the opportunity presents itself. We struggle to distinguish between what’s actually risky and what’s just uncomfortable. Let's explore this through a few stories, shall we?

What is Slacklining? These Fearless Women Defy Gravity and Stereotypes

Image: A woman hanging from a slackline while slacklining
Have you heard of slacklining? This daredevil sport has historically been very male dominated, but things are starting to change. Walking almost on air, four fearless women have become pioneers of  the open space, finding mental calm while harnessing their physical strength. By being open and vulnerable high in the air, they display brave feats that we all might just be able to learn from.

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