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a woman rests her head on another person's shoulder
Lynda Ulrich1 min read

Lean Into Your Trauma

Deeper connections can still be formed and you can break out of your limitations by getting curious about trauma you have had in your life.
silhouette photography of person
Lynda Ulrich1 min read

Six Facets of Wonder

Jeffrey Davis shows us how to bring more wonder in our live using 6 paths: openness, curiosity, bewilderment, hope, connection, and affirmation.
white Good News Is Coming paper on wall
Lynda Ulrich1 min read

Where is Your Attention Being Skewed?

Oliver brings to our awareness that shifting our focus can help our be better change makers in life. We can limit distractions from our everyday lives.
two people shaking hands

Approaching People with Kindness

1 min read
Brittney-Nichole talks about how you can be honest with people, but keep kindness at the forefront.
Image: Cheldin Rumer Workshop

Elevating Your Voice with Cheldin Barlatt Rumer

2 min read
Confidence is key, awareness is essential and a plan is necessary for you to promote your cause, brand, or business to your ideal audience and community. Cheldin Barlatt Rumer shares a realistic strategy and suggested tactics to assist you in identifying your “unique persuasive voice”.  Your voice is your strongest tool. Once you elevate your voice you will have the power to build awareness, motivate people, and influence change.
Image: Bert Pope Happy[ness] Hour

Empowerment Through Kindness with Bert Pope

2 min read
Bert Pope shares with us how the world is still an amazing place.
brown wooden blocks on white surface

Just Do Something

1 min read
Christoph reminds us that there are many needs in the world and why any contribution matters.
Image: Marco Santini Happy[ness] Hour

Spreading Love and Positivity with Marco Santini

2 min read
In this Happy[ness] Hour we meet Marco Santini and learn how this artist, inventor, and mentor found his life’s purpose to spread love and positivity through art and education. Get a behind-the-scenes look at his art studio and learn about his most recent projects. 
Image: Liesl Ulrich Workshop

Using Curiosity as a Guide with Liesl Ulrich-Verderber

1 min read
How do we start on the journey to finding meaning and purpose in our lives? In this 40 minute workshop Liesl, the founder of the Conspiracy of Goodness Network and CEO of positive media company Ever Widening Circles, will guide us through a curiosity-driven process to answering this question.

Podcast Shorts

Image: a pile of clothing

FABSCRAP’s Model for Why and How Manufacturers Can Do Their Part in Reducing Waste

1 min read
How the biggest burden for recycling should be shifted to manufacturers… right now they have no responsibility for what they produce.
Declaring Who You Are

Declaring Who You Are

1 min read
Many of us define ourselves by what we do and what we have. This is a method of defining who you are in a way that can never be taken from you. You can access this tool to be your best self in absolutely any situation.
Patrick’s Rule for Being Happy Despite the Circumstances

Patrick’s Rule for Being Happy Despite the Circumstances

1 min read
Embracing your life circumstances and through it all, being true to who you have decided that you ARE.
a person standing in front of a laptop computer talking on a cell phone

Myths that Might Keep You from Starting a Business

1 min read
Myths that keep people from starting Businesses and Social Entrepreneurship projects.
a family working together

The Benefits of Showing Up in Meetings and New Places

1 min read
Using “Consistency” and remember that you must “Show Up” in new places, in order to meet others who can help you progress. Putting one foot in front of the other every day.
woman wearing brown sweater holding lips

Three Important Questions

1 min read
There’s a story we’re all telling ourselves each day. Peter talks about how to get to the truth of that story.
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Business of Goodness

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Declaring Who You Are

Many of us define ourselves by what we do and what we have. This is a method of defining who you are in a way that can never be taken from you. You can access this tool to be your best self in absolutely any situation.

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Positive news for curious people.

There is a wave of goodness and progress well underway, all around the world.